CCPI-STEM Fellows Program: A Unique Opportunity

This is the fifth episode of the CCPI-Cast webinar series from Prince George's Community College. This webinar focuses on the Community College Presidents' STEM Initiative (CCPI-STEM) and the CCPI-STEM Fellows program. The CCPI-STEM initiative aims to advance STEM workforce education programs and the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program. The CCPI-STEM Fellows program facilitates research in STEM education and prepares faculty and administration for leadership in community colleges with STEM-related programs. The presentation covers eligibility criteria for the CCPI-STEM Fellows program, the expectations of program recipients, the application process, and more. Additionally, three fellows talk about their experience with the program and give advice to prospective fellows.

The video runs 50:10 minutes in length. Additional CCPI-Cast webinars are available to view separately.

About this Resource

Alternate Title
Community College Presidents Initiative-Science Technology Engineering, and Mathematics: A Unique Opportunity
Date Issued
May 12th, 2023

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