In this video, Pamela Silvers from Mentor Connect, provides information about creating an abstract for National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (NSF ATE) grant projects. Silvers covers the following topics: what is an abstract, when do you create an abstract, what are the components of an abstract, and how to find Mentor-Connect resources on abstracts. Silvers explains the purpose of abstracts as public descriptions of NSF awards, which are intended for a broad audience and differ from project summaries. Silvers emphasizes the importance of abstracts being publicly available and their distribution by the Office of Legislative and Public Affairs to various stakeholders, including members of Congress and the media. Silvers also offers guidance on the language, structure, and content of abstracts, providing examples and suggesting specific wording. This presentation equips grant applicants with the necessary tools to effectively communicate the significance and goals of their projects through concise and compelling abstracts.

This video runs 5:44 minutes in length.

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