This website, from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), provides information about the Bioenergy Research and Education Bridge (BRIDGES) program. This project "is an education and workforce development program to assist educators in teaching bioenergy topics to help prepare a national bioenergy workforce." Program goals include translating scientific research for classrooms, raising awareness about bioenergy careers, easing the transition from academics to industry, and ensuring equitable access to high-quality bioenergy learning materials. BRIDGES incorporates Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles, using place-based learning and culturally responsive teaching. BRIDGES develops case studies based on the DOE national laboratory research to teach bioenergy topics. Case studies cover topics such as sustainable aviation fuels, upcycling plastics, regional feedstocks, and municipal solid waste-to-energy. Comprehensive student and instructor guides are provided, and feedback from stakeholders, including minority-serving institutions, is integrated through the BETO BRIDGES National Review Board.

A primer on the program and the case studies are free for download.

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