This video, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, provides three presentations on GIS education. In the first presentation, Ann Johnson from GeoTech explores resources to support educators and geospatial programs. Johnson describes the GeoTech NSF grant, model courses, concept and demonstration videos, the GeoEd Conference, GIS day, workshops and short courses, two Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and an educator certification program. In the second presentation, Anand Padmanabhan highlights the Hours of Cyberinfrastructure NSF grant, where project members create tools for cyberliteracy in GIS. Padmanabhan introduces cyberliteracy in the context of GIScience, describes how to teach cyberliteracy to students with emerging technology, explores cyberliteracy skills, considers barriers to education, describes grant objectives, discusses lessons on cyberinfrastructure, highlights the role of community, and describes workshops. In the last presentation, Ningning (Nicole) Kong describes a project that creates a resource that helps GIS professionals discover U.S. map collections. Kong highlights the importance and role of map collections and cartographic resources, discusses anticipated outcomes for the Map and Geospatial Information Round Table's resource on U.S. map collections, describes a system diagram, provides information on regional coordinators and an online guide to U.S. map collections, and more.

The video recording runs 45:50 minutes in length. Additional videos from the summit are available to view separately.

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