Industrial Robotics and Programming
Course Description:
This 2-credit course introduces students to industrial robotics and programming. Through the course, students learn how "to program a FANUC industrial robot and earn FANUC CERT Certification. Students develop frames, learn file manipulation and program the robot to manipulate products, perform different tasks based on I/O conditions, and utilize variables." The course also explores robotic power supplies, end of arm tooling, and control systems.
The following are an example of competencies assessed in the course:
- Manipulate the robot in world and joint mode.
- Program tool, user, and jog frames.
- Manipulate files in the control system.
- Program movements with the different forms of motion commands.
Course Contents:
Course materials are housed within a Canvas .imscc file. Materials include syllabi, presentation slides, and lab documents. Both syllabi include a brief description about the course, information about grading, course policies, and a course schedule.
For orientation purposes Robot Prog LakeviewSyllabus.docx.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this curriculum.
The .imscc file includes numerous folders and files from the Canvas course. A .zip file containing course documents is also included. Below is a list of resources included in the course:
- Welcome Presentation
- Lake Evenings Syllabus
- Elkhorn Syllabus
- Labs
- Lab 1 Jogging the Robot
- Lab 2 Tool Frame
- Lab 3 User Frame
- Lab 4 Create a program
- Lab 5 Prog with gripper
- Lab 6 Prog comments
- Lab 7 Pick and place prog
- Lab 8 Motion commands
- Lab 9 Loops and Jumps
- Lab 10 Registers
- Lab 11 PR's and Offsets
- Lab 12 Call and I/O
- Lab 13 Select and Macros
- Lab 14 Palletizer