This 23-page report, published by Dobyns-Bennett High School, describes the design and construction of an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV). This report was created by the Kingsport Technologies, a student group that participated in the 2021 MATE ROV competitions Ranger class. MATE ROV is a global underwater robotics competition for STEM students. The competition includes Explorer, Ranger, Navigator, and Scout classes.

In the report, an abstract defines a ROV and contextualizes the group. Next, a project management section details the workflow. Following this, the report considers the general engineering design, the control/electrical system, tether, propulsion, buoyancy and ballast, payload and tools, cameras, and the primary manipulator for the ROV. The report then details information on safety, which includes philosophy, procedures, structure and electronic safety, environmental safety, and testing and troubleshooting. Finally, the report presents a budget, acknowledgements, references, and four appendixes with diagrams and tables. 

Manuals for each class and technical documentation from other teams are available to view separately.

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