This module is provided by GeoTech Center, and discusses concepts related to ethics in geographic information systems. Module contents include a video recording, the PowerPoint presentation featured in the video, and a module overview document.

The Ethics Concept Module is a recorded PowerPoint presentation provided by educator Ann Johnson, who discusses ethics in geospatial technology. Topics covered in the video include definitions of ethics, how it is applied to geospatial technology, and ethics in the geospatial technology workforce. Additionally, this module provides links to additional resources on ethics, as well as case studies that can be used to teach ethics. This recording runs for 9:12 minutes in length. 

Below is a list of files included in the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis. (167.4 MB)

  • Concept Module Video (Ethics Concept Module V2 Edited narrated.mp4 154.9 MB)
  • Concept Module PowerPoint Presentation (Ethics Concept Module V2 Edited narrated.pptx 12.5 MB)
  • Concept Module Overview (Ethics Concept Module.docx 12 KB)
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