These resources, made available by Massachusetts Bay Community College, are part of the college's project titled iCREAT: A Pathway to Middle-skill Positions Through the Introduction to Coding, Robotics, Electronics, And Technology. The goal of the project is to create "a pathway to middle-skill positions for underrepresented high school and community college students through introducing them to Coding, Robotics, Electronics, and Technology... by creating two courses: iCREAT I and iCREAT II." These college courses "... help students learn to apply engineering and programming concepts to create a robot." Materials for both iCREAT courses are available to view separately. 

This collection includes a Word document that provides an overview of the iCREAT project and courses, photographs of high school students with robots they created in the iCREAT courses, a collage with representative images for iCREAT I and iCREAT II, and a short video about the project. The video runs 3:00 minutes in length.

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.

iCREAT_archive (9 files, 237.9 MB)

  • 2016 High School Students With Robots Photo (2016_iCREAT_summer_HSstudents.JPG 847 KB)
  • 2017 High School Students With Robots Photo (2017_iCREAT_summer_HSstudents.jpg 1.3 MB)
  • 2018 High School Students With Robots Photo (2018_iCREAT_summer_HSstudents.jpg 7.9 MB)
  • iCREAT Introductory Video (IC_short_video.mp4 227.1 MB)
  • From iCREAT I to iCREAT II (iCREAT_I_to_iCREAT_II.jpg 143 KB)
  • iCREAT I Course Collage (iCREAT1_collage.jpg 301 KB)
  • iCREAT II Course Collage (iCREAT2_collage.jpg 326 KB)
  • iCREAT: introduction to Coding, Robotics, Electronics, And Technology (What is iCREAT.docx 16 KB)
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