Scaling Elements of a Competency-Based Hybrid Instructional Model into Advanced Manufacturing Courses

A nationwide shortage of qualified manufacturing technicians and the demand for training that keeps pace with rapidly changing technology has driven collaboration between education and industry partners. To fill the need for qualified manufacturing technicians, Northwest State Community College (NSCC) will work with industries to improve a competency-based advanced manufacturing program and promote its broader adoption. NSCC plans wide-spread implementation of its instructional model through a Networked Improvement Community (NIC) of partner colleges and their local industries across four states: Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and North Carolina. Through mentorship, professional development, and focused cooperation, this project will improve the effectiveness of advanced manufacturing courses, increase access to technical education programs, and prepare technicians with the skillsets that employers require. On a broad scale, this project will promote diversity by increasing opportunities for underserved populations to pursue high-demand, family-sustaining occupations in the technical workforce.

The goals of this project are to: provide a more accessible method of instruction, remove barriers for existing and potential college students, align students' skills attainment with workplace demands, and increase the knowledge of implementing a competency-based hybrid instructional model for advanced manufacturing courses. NSCC will demonstrate the process of converting two traditional courses to the new model, and partner colleges in the NIC will determine which elements of the model are best suited to adapt within their programs. NSCC will then work with the partners to incorporate the model into specific courses. In addition, NSCC will administer nine, two-day professional development workshops for technical faculty from additional colleges in the state-wide networks of the NIC partners, with the potential to impact ninety colleges. NSCC will continue to mentor faculty on scaling elements of the model into programs at their institutions and will provide assistance with implementation efforts.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
June 1st, 2019
ATE Expiration Date
May 31st, 2024
ATE Principal Investigator
Thomas Wylie
Primary Institution
Northwest State Community College
Record Type
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