
This file contains six promotional flyers for events hosted by LASER-TEC. Four of these flyers promote different summer 2018 bootcamps designed for youth between the ages of 12 and 17. Another flyer provides information about LASER-TEC's Tech Like a Girl camp, which was designed to "introduce 7th and 8th grade girls to future technology career opportunities." Another flyer promotes a LASER-TEC professional development workshop entitled The 4th Industrial Revolution: Cyber Physical Systems and the New Workforce Skill Sets. This workshop is designed for CTE instructors. 

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.

LASER-TEC Promotional Material (6 files, 3.3 MB)

  • Bootcamp Flyers
    • Coding with Arduino Bootcamp: Visible Light Spectrum (Coding - Visible Light Spectrum.compressed.pdf 396 KB)
    • Coding with Arduino Bootcamp: Wireless Technologies (Coding - Wireless Technologies.compressed.pdf 380 KB)
    • Electronics Maker Bootcamp: Summer Camps 2018 (Electronics Maker - 6-18 & 7-9.compressed.pdf 390 KB)
    • Electronic Maker Bootcamp: Summer Camps 2018 (Electronics Maker - 6-18.compressed.pdf 390 KB)
  • The 4th Industrial Revolution: Cyber Physical Systems and the New Workforce Skills Set (Prof Development for CTE Teachers - Gaston.pdf 1.2 MB)
  • STEM Camp for Girls: Tech Like a Girl (Tech Like a Girl Flyer AAUW LASER-TEC 2018 (2).pdf 444 KB)
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