Image of Julie Shattuck
Applied Research + Evaluation helps organizations positioned to create social and environmental impact to clarify, measure, and communicate the outcomes and impacts of their grants and investments and to inform their organizational learning and strategy. Principal Julie Shattuck has led over 60 evaluation, research, and policy studies for local, state, and federal organizations including many Advanced Technology Education (ATE) grants funded by the National Science Foundation. Her work emphasizes stakeholder involvement in evaluation planning, implementation, and interpreting results. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies is typically used, including pretest & posttest survey designs, quasi experimental studies, case studies, interviews, focus groups, and longitudinal tracking to assess and portray initiatives and their impact. Julie holds a Certification in Evaluation & Organizational Development from the Fielding Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California and a Master of Arts degree from Washington State University in Pullman, Washington in Adult & Continuing Education.
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