Center for Evaluation & Policy Research (CEPR)
CEPR designs and conducts comprehensive evaluations that provide frequent and constructive feedback to improve program or project effectiveness. From longitudinal case studies to complex statistical analyses of student achievement data, CEPR's experience includes both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The vast majority of evaluations, however, include both methodologies given the strengths of a mixed methodology approach. For federal grantees, CEPR has conducted syntheses of evaluation and impact data reported on annual performance reports (i.e., 524bs); and has provided technical assistance needed to increase the quality and consistency of impact and evaluation data across thousands of grantees.
Accepting New Projects
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Company Name
Center for Evaluation & Policy Research (CEPR)
Evaluator Email
Evaluator Telephone
(812) 855-4438
1165 E. 3rd St. Morrison Hall Rm 112
Bloomington, IN 47408
Bloomington, IN 47408
Evaluated For