Design Thinking: Additive Manufacturing Summer Institute

Columbus State Community College, in collaboration with the PAST Foundation, community, and industry partners, is developing a career pathway in additive manufacturing. Manufacturing is vital to Ohio and comprises 16.9% of the state's economy. Additive manufacturing has been around since the advent of 3D printing in the 1980's. A recent survey of 100 manufacturers revealed two-thirds of them were already using additive manufacturing and its use is projected to increase. This project addresses a shortage of skilled manufacturing technicians. It expands and strengthens the pipeline between K-12 and postsecondary programs. 

The project will lead to an increase in the supply of qualified technicians who have expertise in additive manufacturing. There are three project objectives: (1) To develop and implement an Additive Manufacturing Institute Model to provide high school students with the opportunity to explore the variety of careers associated with advanced manufacturing leading to earning industry recognized certifications; (2) To develop and implement an interactive High School Faculty Professional Development Initiative in additive manufacturing that prepares teachers to design relevant and rigorous curriculum; and (3) To develop a model education pathway between the Additive Manufacturing Summer Institute and Columbus State manufacturing engineering technology courses.

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