
This 627-page Collaborative Statistics Textbook was written by Susan L. Dean and Barbara Illowsky and is provided by the Maxfield Foundation. This textbook is intended for introductory statistics classes and focuses on applications of statistical knowledge. Four main concepts are emphasized: thinking statistically, incorporating technology, working collaboratively, and writing thoughtfully. 

A table of contents and the following chapters are included: Preface; Additional Resources; Author Acknowledgements; Student Welcome Letter; Sampling and Data; Descriptive Statistics; Probability Topics; Discrete Random Variables; Continuous Random Variables; The Normal Distribution; The Central Limit Theorem; Confidence Intervals; Hypothesis Testing: Single Mean and Single Proportion; Hypothesis Testing: Two Means, Paired Data, Two Proportions; The Chi-Square Distribution; Linear Regression and Correlation; F Distribution and ANOVA; Appendix; Tables; Glossary; and Index. Homework, Labs, Practice Exams, Data Sets; Solution Sheets; and Formulas are also included. 

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