Program Description:
Environment Science is a series of three courses developed by Chemeketa Community College that addresses environmental topics. Each is a 4-credit course that includes a lab and lecture. The courses are targeted towards students in natural resource areas (e.g. Forestry, Fish and Wildlife, Agriculture). This series of courses was added as a requirement for students in the Forest Resources Technology Program at Chemeketa and are intended to introduce students to basic ecological concepts and environmental issues related to natural resource management.

Course Description:
Environmental Science III “examines environmental problems and issues related to energy and environmental contamination such as air pollution, water pollution and solid waste management. The relationships between environmental problems and other aspects of society such as economics and public policy are also explored. Sustainability is a dominant theme.”

Course Contents:
The 175-page .pdf provides a course outline, which includes a course description, six course objectives, a student assessment, topics covered, a reading schedule and a detailed course schedule. Also included is a handout on conducting good seminars, notes for instructors, 11 labs and activities, study guides, and exams.

The Excel document provides charts used in the labs and activities of the course.

The 114-page Word document “is designed for the instructor to use for making modifications to the original Environment Science III Course created by NCSR.”

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