
Toolkit Description
This NET-230 Chemistry course is from the RCNET Comprehensive Teaching Toolkit: Fundamentals, and is drawn from curriculum taught in the Nuclear Systems Technology program at Midlands Technical College. The program is designed to train nuclear systems technicians to work in nuclear power plants and covers fundamentals of nuclear power systems such as plant components, radiological protection, nuclear plant chemistry, and how to operate plant equipment. This RCNET Toolkit is organized in four courses: NET-122 Electrical, NET-210 Thermal Sciences, NET-225 Nuclear Physics, and NET-230 Chemistry. 

Toolkit Course Contents:
NET-230 Chemistry is a study of basic nuclear plant chemistry, including lithium production, radio nuclides, nitrogen reactions, chemical additives, filtration, ion exchange and related topics in nuclear chemistry. 

Materials available as part of the Teaching Toolkit include a syllabus, two PDFs from the Department of Energy (DOE) Fundamentals Handbooks in Chemistry, five PowerPoint presentations, and a Plant Chemistry Control handbook with an accompanying PowerPoint presentation. 

The 4-page syllabus includes a course description, course objectives, a course outcome, four course competencies, course requirements, grading information, and a course topics outline.

The DOE Fundamentals Handbook PDFs are 138 and 140-pages in length, and include an abstract, overview of the text, learning objectives, text material, and are divided into modules so that content and order may be modified by individual instructors. 

The PowerPoint presentations cover various topics and each includes lesson objectives. Topics covered include chemistry and radon, chemistry fundamentals, demineralizers and ion exchangers, fundamentals of corrosion, and primary water chemistry. 

For orientation purposes Syllabus_Nuclear Chemistry.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this course. 

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis. 

NET-230 Chemistry (14 files 15.7 MB)

  • Corrosion and Chemistry Control
    • Chemistry and Radcon (Chemistry and Radcon.ppt 2.5 MB)
    • Nuclear Training: Chemistry and Radcon Plant Chemistry Control (Plant Chemistry Control.pdf 332 KB)
  • DOE Chemistry Handbook
    • DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Chemistry, Volume 1 of 2 (DOE Chemistry HDBK Fundamentals of Chemistry, Corrosion.pdf 2.6 MB)
    • DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Chemistry, Volume 2 of 2 (DOE Chemistry HDBK Reactor Water Chemistry, Principles of Water Treatment, Hazards of Chemicals and Gases.pdf 1.8 MB)
  • PowerPoint Presentations
    • Chemistry and Radcon (Chemistry and Radcon.ppt 2.5 MB)
    • Chemistry Fundamentals (Chemistry Fundamentals.ppt 2.3 MB)
    • Demineralizers and Ion Exchangers (Demineralizers and Ion Exchangers.ppt 1.2 MB)
    • Fundamentals of Corrosion (Fundamentals of Corrosion.ppt 1.6 MB)
    • Primary Water Chemistry (Primary Water Chemistry.ppt 657 KB)
  • Syllabus (Syllabus_Nuclear Chemistry.doc 234 KB)
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