Preparing for the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC): A Guide for New Teams and Recommendations for Experienced Players


This resource guide, commissioned by the National CyberWatch Center, is intended to prepare student teams for the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CDCC). The CDCC is designed to provide students with hands-on experience in the application of information assurance skills and to enhance students understanding of both the theory and practice of cybersecurity in ways that a classroom education cannot. This comprehensive guide includes an Introduction to the importance of activities like competition for cybersecurity students, a section on Competitions, outlining the history and basics of the CDCC, a section on Recruiting and Organizing for the competition, sections on Rosters and Practice, a section on What to Expect (including helpful tips on what to bring to the competition), and a section on competition Scoring. The guide concludes with a Scenarios section, outlining past scenarios, a section on Competition Configurations, and an Appendix with other helpful resources.

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