Adobe Systems Incorporated World Headquarters: Study of Facility Management and Operations Best Practices


This 21 page case study, from the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) National Center, provides an overview of the facility management, maintenance, and operations of the Adobe Systems Incorporated World Headquarters in downtown San Jose, California. Best practices are highlighted to "provide snap-shots of selected areas of excellence that crystallized as particularly significant to the successful operations of each facility." These cover activities that meet end use requirements, improve cost effectiveness, reduce energy consumption and encourage energy consumption awareness, improve occupant comfort, or meet sustainability goals. "Best practices span excellence in technology and design strategies, troubleshooting and problem solving, proactive organizational management and strategic planning, education and training efforts, and shared leadership." In addition, this case study provides a facility overview, background of the Adobe buildings and systems, and information on facility staff. Best practices highlighted are proactive maintenance with daily rounds (including virtual rounds), use of energy analytics software across the facility organization, standardized processing and reporting, and implementation of a sustainability program. Each best practice highlighted is accompanied by a section outlining the skills and knowledge required for implementation. A "Summary of Best Practices" in the form of a table is provided at the end. 

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