Leading Innovation through Green High-Tech Engineering, Sustainability & Security (LIGHTES^2)

As attention to the potential for cyber-attacks across industries and municipalities has grown, the need for individuals trained in cybersecurity to protect the nation's information systems, networks, and infrastructure has never been greater. This is evident in cybersecurity jobs growing at twice the rate of all other IT jobs combined. At the same time the potential vulnerabilities in the nation's information infrastructure carry implications for the sustainability of the nation's energy infrastructure. In response, this ATE project will i) engage in the design and creation a new seamless pathway from high school through college in cybersecurity and ii) enhance its existing sustainability programs.

Specific goals of this project are to: 1) increase the capacity to grow and train an advanced technological workforce in cybersecurity; 2) create a seamless pathway for inquiry-based learning for STEM students, with attention to increased participation of underrepresented students, from high school through college; 3) engage and expand the number of minority and non-traditional students in cybersecurity and sustainability programs at the College; and 4) foster regional collaboration among industry, higher education, secondary schools. The cybersecurity degree will include stacked certifications, permitting both traditional students and professionals returning to college to enter and exit the program flexibly and to obtain certifications while "stacking" those certifications towards the degree, or to complete the program traditionally and exit after two years with a degree and the certifications. Thus, the program will benefit both new students and existing professionals looking to upgrade their skills and obtain additional academic and workplace credentials.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
June 1st, 2015
ATE Expiration Date
May 31st, 2019
ATE Principal Investigator
Peter Maritato
Primary Institution
Suffolk Community College
Record Type
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