
Collection Description:
This collection, developed by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, includes checklists that cover the six types of research discussed in the Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development, created by the Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education and the National Science Foundation. The Guidelines describe those agencies' shared expectations for education research and development. "The checklists are intended to support use of the Guidelines, enabling users to quickly reference a type of research and determine whether they are following guideline's expectations." The areas of research covered include Foundational Research, Early-Stage or Exploratory Research, Design and Development Research, Efficacy Research, and Scale-Up Research. 

Collection Contents:
This collection includes a 15-page document that includes checklists for all six types of research, a document for each individual area of research, and a graphic overview of the Common Guidelines. 

For orientation purposes guidelines_checklist.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this collection. 

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis. 

Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development (8 files, 2.4 MB)

  • Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development (cgerd-graphic-overview.pdf 192 KB)
  • Foundational Research Checklist (guidelines_checklist_Type-1.pdf 400 KB)
  • Early-Stage or Exploratory Research Checklist (guidelines_checklist_Type-2.pdf 143 KB)
  • Design and Development Research Checklist (guidelines_checklist_Type-3.pdf 141 KB)
  • Efficacy Research Checklists (guidelines_checklist_Type-4.pdf 157 KB)
  • Effectiveness Research Checklist (guidelines_checklist_Type-5.pdf 422 KB)
  • Scale-Up Research Checklist (guidelines_checklist_Type-6.pdf 421 KB)
  • Checklist for the Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development (guidelines_checklist.pdf 492 KB)
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