Are you a woman in STEM? If so, you may be interested in attending the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) annual conference. The organization, which focuses on "members' success and continu[ing] to evolve with the challenges and opportunities reflected in today's exciting engineering and technology specialties," boasts "the world’s largest conference and career fair for women in engineering and technology."
Attendees can choose from over 300 events, with categories like Education, Colegiate Competition, and K-12 Student Program. Keynote speakers for 2019 include: Carol Malnati, a vice president at Medtronic; Rachel Hutter, a senior vice president at Disney; and Jayshree Seth, a corporate scientist and chief science advocate at 3M. The conference also features two days of career fair opportunities.
This year, the conference takes place in Anaheim, CA from November 7-9, 2019. Those interested in registering to attend can do so here.