Register Now to be a Presenter in the 2020 STEM for All Video Showcase


2020 STEM for All Video Showcase banner

Do you have an NSF or other federally funded project aimed at improving STEM or CS learning and teaching in formal or informal environments? If so, you are invited to be a presenter in this year’s STEM for All Video Showcase!

This year’s theme is STEM for All: Learning from Research and Practice. Videos should address at least one of the following: Strategies to broaden participation and increase access for all; research informing STEM and CS teaching and learning; challenges and strategies in the implementation of STEM and CS programs; measuring impact of innovative programs; or partnerships fostering participation and broader participation.

Successful videos will describe the need that the project addresses, the intervention, innovation, or research, and the potential impact of the work. Video presentations will cover a wide range of topics including, science, mathematics, computer science, engineering, cyberlearning, citizen science, maker spaces, mentoring, informal learning, professional development, research and evaluation, NGSS and the Common Core. The videos highlight initiatives for students of all ages (kindergarten through graduate school, as well as adult...

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Call for Applicants: Grant Writing Workshop for Two-Year College Faculty


Image of students walking across a college campus

Participants in this workshop will learn about the NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program and how to most effectively apply for grant funding. Faculty must propose a specific project to improve an ATE-eligible technical program in a one-page proposal. One-page proposals will be reviewed from October to February 1, 2020 when the first acceptances will be sent. Proposals will be either accepted or sent back for corrections and the website will remain open until the workshop and a waiting list are full. Workshop activities will include presentations; planning and writing sessions with mentors who have had extensive experience with ATE and NSF; and networking with colleagues from similar institutions around the country. Two faculty from each college will receive stipend support.

Full-time STEM discipline faculty involved in technician education programs from two-year colleges. Two faculty per college are eligible and colleges may also send a grant writer as a third team member at their own expense. 

The mentor assigned to each college team will continue throughout the year to support each college’s efforts to write a complete proposal. This will include creating pre-...

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Call for Applications: FAS4ATE 2.0 Workshop


FAS4ATE 2.0 Workshop banner

Formative Assessment Systems for ATE 2 (FAS4ATE2) is a workshop project focused on improving the capture of data on student learning in professional development (PD). Our team has developed a toolkit to assist with this challenging task. To pilot test the toolkit, we are seeking 10 pairs of ATE Principal Investigators and Evaluators with their PD projects focused on student learning in any level and any content. The pilot process will include two preparatory webinars and a one-day face to face workshop on the Tuesday before the ATE PI conference in 2020.

As a participant, you will receive support and training from international and US experts to improve your PD planning, implementation, and learning outcomes. Throughout the project, you will create tailored products for your PD including participant applications and contracts, assessment items, and tools for capturing intent to use and participant and student learning outcomes. Participation in the project will assist you to better demonstrate the impacts of your project on teachers and their students for NSF reporting. The tools and lessons will be transferrable; you will be able implement the same processes in other PD...

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Call for Applicants: Equity & Excellence: Access in Higher Education Conference


Image of the announcement for the 43rd Annual Conference of the Association on Higher Education And Disability

Many in the ATE Community are well-versed in the importance of accessibility when it comes to higher education, but even the most experienced among us may benefit from new perspectives. Those looking to further develop their resources and skills in this area should take note of this unique professional development opportunity provided by the DeafTEC Resource Center in partnership with the Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD).

The Equity & Excellence in Higher Education Conference will give participants the chance to discuss “challenges that they face in working with students with disabilities and how they can collaborate to overcome these challenges.” Participation and sharing are encouraged, with a focus on teaching and supporting “students with disabilities, particularly deaf or hard of hearing students and student veterans with hearing loss.”

Teams from up to 20 community colleges will be selected to participate in the conference. Each team will consist of a STEM faculty member and a staff/faculty from disability services. All team member will receive a $1,650 travel stipend to attend the conference.

The conference will take place in Palm Springs,...

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Call for Proposals: High Impact Technology Exchange Conference (HI-TEC)


Image of 2020 HI-TEC conference banner

Are you planning to attend the 2020 HI-TEC conference, July 27-30, in beautiful Portland, Oregon? If you are involved in preparing America's skilled technical workforce, this conference is for you!

HI-TEC offers three opportunities to present: preconference workshops and special interest groups, main conference sessions, and poster sessions. Preconference workshops and special interest sessions run about three and a half hours each and will take place July 27-28. Main conference session presentations are 45 minutes in length and take place on July 29-30. Poster sessions will take place only on July 29 between 3:00-5:30 pm.

The conference organizers are now accepting proposals for HI-TEC 2020 presentations. Preconference workshop forms are due by January 15. Main conference sessions and poster sessions are due by February 5. If you are interested in presenting, fill out a proposal form by the applicable deadline.

If you have any questions about the proposal content, contact Greg Kepner or Bob Geer. If you have questions about the form, contact Sheila Wilson.

2019 ATE PI Conference Materials Available on AACC


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Are you looking for materials from the 2019 ATE PI Conference? Click here to find Pre-Conference Workshop presentations and handouts, Plenary Session and Keynote Speaker presentations, and Presentations from Concurrent and Panel Sessions.

NISOD Webinar: Creating an Environment of Mattering and Validation for Community College Students


Image of NISOD's Webinar Series Logo

Interested in learning more about retention programs and practices geared toward community colleges? Mark your calendars for this upcoming webinar from NISOD. The techniques covered in this webinar are based on a literature review and qualitative data on community college faculty practices and designed to foster  an “environment of mattering and validation for community college students.”

Presented by Kim Russell, a professor of English and chair at West Kentucky Community and Technical College, this webinar will call upon Schlossberg’s (1989) Mattering Theory and Rendon’s (1994) Validation Theory. The goal is to equip participants to help students at community colleges feel like they are being prepared for career success and ensure that students feel recognized and affirmed by their institution.

The webinar runs Thursday, December 12, 2:00-3:00 pm EDT. It is free for those at NISOD Member Colleges and available for $25.00 to those at non-member colleges. If you’re not sure if your college is a member check the Member College page. Those interested in participating can register for the webinar here.

2019 ATE PI Conference, October 23-25


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We are looking forward to seeing everyone from the ATE community October 23-25 in Washington DC at the 2019 PI Conference.  For up-to-date information on the Conference, follow @ATECentral and @Comm_College on Twitter or visit ATE Central staff at Booth #001 during the showcases on October 23rd and 24th!

As always, we are pleased to announce the release of the 2019 ATE PI Conference mobile app. The app and companion website are designed to help you make the most of your conference experience. Use your phone, tablet, or Internet browser to create a personal schedule, stay up-to-date with the agenda and speaker lineup, search the attendee directory, and more! The app is available for iPhone or iPad and Android devices. To download the app, search your app store for “ATE PI 2019" or simply follow the appropriate link from your mobile device.

Call for Applicants: Equity & Excellence: Access in Higher Education Conference


Equity & Excellence: Access in Higher Education logo

Many in the ATE Community are well-versed in the importance of accessibility when it comes to higher education, but even the most experienced among us may benefit from new perspectives. Those looking to further develop their resources and skills in this area should take note of this unique professional development opportunity provided by the DeafTEC Resource Center in partnership with the Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD).

The Equity & Excellence in Higher Education Conference will give participants the chance to discuss “challenges that they face in working with students with disabilities and how they can collaborate to overcome these challenges.” Participation and sharing are encouraged, with a focus on teaching and supporting “students with disabilities, particularly deaf or hard of hearing students and student veterans with hearing loss.”

Teams from up to 20 community colleges will be selected to participate in the conference. Each team will consist of a STEM faculty member and a staff/faculty from disability services. All team member will receive a $1,650 travel stipend to attend the conference.

The conference will take place in Palm Springs,...

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Society of Women Engineers Annual Conference Registration Open


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Are you a woman in STEM? If so, you may be interested in attending the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) annual conference. The organization, which focuses on "members' success and continu[ing] to evolve with the challenges and opportunities reflected in today's exciting engineering and technology specialties," boasts "the world’s largest conference and career fair for women in engineering and technology."

Attendees can choose from over 300 events, with categories like Education, Colegiate Competition, and K-12 Student Program. Keynote speakers for 2019 include: Carol Malnati, a vice president at Medtronic; Rachel Hutter, a senior vice president at Disney; and Jayshree Seth, a corporate scientist and chief science advocate at 3M. The conference also features two days of career fair opportunities.

This year, the conference takes place in Anaheim, CA from November 7-9, 2019. Those interested in registering to attend can do so here.

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